Privacy Policy

Our Policy on Collection and Use of Personal Information

In order to protect the rights and interests of our customers and to provide information and services that satisfy and satisfy our customers, we have established the following privacy policy, which we will comply with and manage appropriately. Personal information is defined as information about an individual, including name, e-mail address, and other information that can identify a specific individual.

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

Personal information collected through this site may be used for the following purposes. To provide information and content – To respond to inquiries and complaints – To conduct surveys and recruit monitors – To collect and analyze marketing data – For other purposes as determined in the development of products and services on this site For other purposes as determined in the development of our products and services.

Collection, storage, modification and deletion of personal information

As a company that handles personal information, this site appropriately collects personal information necessary for the provision of this service, such as e-mail addresses, as well as information to identify users who have accessed the site, such as cookies and web beacons, and log data, which are collected when users access the site. In the event of a change in a user’s personal information, we will make appropriate changes to the information at the user’s request, and we will make every effort to keep the information as accurate as possible.

Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

This site may collect personal information from third parties for the purpose of conducting surveys, distributing coupons, distributing materials, estimating costs, and so forth, under marketing consignment. In such cases, users of this site agree to the following

Personal information entered by users on this site will be stored and managed in our database.

Personal information entered by users on this site will not be provided to third parties, such as marketing contractors, without prior consent. However, this does not apply to personal information entered separately by users on sites operated by these partner companies.

This site does not collect, store, or manage personal information entered by users on the websites of third parties that are marketing consignees.

Personal information may be disclosed or provided without consent only when a legitimate reason is given by a public institution, such as the police, a court of law, or an order for disclosure by law.

Contracts between affiliated businesses and users of this site

(1)Conclusion of individual contracts with affiliated businesses shall be made by the parties concerned based on their individual consideration and judgment, and neither this site nor the affiliated businesses shall assume any legal obligations, as neither this site nor the affiliated businesses shall be the contracting party or agent.

(2)Users shall check the terms of use, privacy policy, and general terms and conditions of the affiliated businesses first when concluding individual contracts with the affiliated businesses.

Changes to this policy

When this site changes its privacy policy, notification of the change will be made by posting a notice on this site.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This policy is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Policy or this Site.

About Cookies

(1) Cookies may be used for the convenience of site visitors. This cookie is set when you visit the site or log in.
(2)Cookies may be used to measure the number of site visitors.
(3) Cookies may be used in advertisements placed on the site.

If you do not wish to have your data transmitted to third parties, please turn off your browser’s cookie function before accessing the site. However, since cookies are a common technology on the Internet and are used by many sites, some sites may not function properly if cookies are turned off entirely.

Disabling Cookies

If you do not wish to accept cookies, please visit the “Help” menu of your browser and adjust the settings for sending and receiving cookies. You can also delete cookies stored in your browser.