
Experience Japanese food culture: Enjoy takoyaki at Wanaka



One of the most famous restaurants that cannot be missed when experiencing Japanese food culture is Wanaka. Wanaka is widely known as a famous takoyaki restaurant, attracting many people with its unique “crispy outside, tender inside” texture. In particular, Wanaka, with its main branch in Osaka, is a popular restaurant loved not only by locals but also by tourists.

Founded in 1961, Wanaka has maintained its history and traditions while constantly taking on new challenges. The takoyaki served in the restaurant are simply seasoned, yet maximize the flavor of the ingredients, creating an unforgettable taste once you try them. Each store also offers a different limited edition menu, so you can enjoy a new flavor each time you visit.

In this article, we will introduce in detail the charm of Wanaka, how to enjoy it, and our recommended menu. For foreign visitors to Japan, a meal at Wanaka will be an unforgettable experience. We hope you will enjoy a taste of Japan’s culinary culture while savoring fresh and exquisite takoyaki.

Recommended Menu

Wanaka offers a wide variety of takoyaki menus, all with unique flavors and textures. Below are some of the most recommended menus.

Takoyaki (Sauce)

Wanaka’s standard menu item, Takoyaki (Sauce), is characterized by its crispy outside and tender inside. The special sauce, mayonnaise, aonori (green laver), and bonito flakes intertwine perfectly to create an unforgettable taste once you try it.


  • Ingredients: Fresh octopus, dough, special sauce, mayonnaise, aonori, bonito flakes
  • Taste: Perfect balance of rich and flavorful sauce and mayonnaise


Oiri” is a set menu that allows you to enjoy three kinds of standard takoyaki and seasonal takoyaki at once. This menu is perfect for those who want to enjoy a variety of takoyaki flavors a little at a time.


  • Ingredients: Fresh octopus, dough and various toppings
  • Taste: Variety set to enjoy multiple flavors

Octopus Sen

Tako-Sen” is a snack consisting of takoyaki sandwiched between thin shrimp crackers. It is easy to eat, making it ideal for eating while walking around.


  • Ingredients: Takoyaki, shrimp crackers, sauce
  • Taste: A perfect harmony of crispy crackers and softness of takoyaki

All of Wanaka’s takoyaki are made with carefully selected ingredients and traditional methods, and once you try one, you will surely be charmed by its delicious taste. We hope you will try the various menu items and enjoy the full appeal of Wanaka’s takoyaki.

Experience and Enjoy

A takoyaki experience at Wanaka is the perfect opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Japanese street food culture. The takoyaki at Wanaka is loved by many people for its crispy outside and tender inside. Here are some tips for enjoying takoyaki at Wanaka.

How to enjoy eating

1.Taste it freshly made.
Takoyaki at Wanaka tastes best when it is freshly made. Start eating them as soon as they are served. You can enjoy the contrast between the crispy outer texture and the tender inner texture. 2.

2.Try different toppings.
Wanaka offers a variety of toppings such as sauce, mayonnaise, ponzu, and cheese. One of the best parts is choosing your favorite toppings and enjoying your own original takoyaki.

3.Enjoy the taste of the ingredients with simple seasoning.
Wanaka’s takoyaki have a strong dashi (broth) flavor, and even with a simple seasoning, you can fully enjoy the taste of the ingredients. In particular, “dashi shoyu” and “oven-cooked salt” bring out the best flavor of the dough.

How to enjoy at the store

  1. Use of eat-in space.
    Many Wanaka stores have eat-in spaces where you can enjoy takoyaki at your leisure. Especially on rainy days or during the cold season, it is recommended to enjoy your meal in a warm room.

2.Eating and drinking pleasure.
Walking the streets of Osaka with a takoyaki in hand is another fun experience. By eating your way through Wanaka’s takoyaki while touring tourist spots such as Namba and Dotonbori, you can enjoy both sightseeing and gourmet food.

3.Try the seasonal menu.
At Wanaka, a limited menu is available for each season. By trying takoyaki made with seasonal ingredients and new flavors, you will always have something new to discover whenever you visit.

A takoyaki experience at Wanaka is a wonderful opportunity to experience Japanese food culture. When you visit Osaka, be sure to try takoyaki at Wanaka. Enjoy a special moment while savoring the fresh ingredients and traditional flavors.


When enjoying takoyaki at Wanaka, please observe the following basic manners to ensure a pleasant and enjoyable dining experience.

Ordering Manners

  1. Keep your order.
    Wanaka is a popular restaurant and there is often a long line. Try to keep your order and avoid trouble with other customers. Check the menu in advance to ensure smooth ordering.
  2. Clear ordering.
    When ordering, clearly state the menu name and toppings. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask the staff.

Manners while eating

  1. Quiet Enjoyment
    You are expected to enjoy yourself quietly while eating. Be considerate of your surroundings so as not to disturb other customers.
  2. Keep clean.
    Be careful not to make your table or counter dirty. If sauce or toppings are spilled, wipe them up with the napkins provided.

3.Share properly.
If you are sharing with friends or family, use chopsticks for sharing and transfer the food to your own plate before eating.

Manners in the restaurant

1.Sharing a table.
During busy times, be sure to leave your seat promptly after finishing your meal and give up your seat to another customer.

2.In the company of children
Be careful not to let your children run around or shout. As a parent, take care not to disturb other customers.

After-dinner manners

1.Clean up trash.
When you have finished eating, clean up around your seat. Dispose of trash in the designated trash cans and return dishes to their designated places. 2.

  1. Words of thanks.
    Say “Gochisoso-sama desu” (thank you for the food) to the waiter. In Japan, these small courtesies are valued.

By observing these manners, you will enhance your dining experience at Wanaka. Please respect Japanese food culture and have a good time.

Hours of Operation and Closed Days

Wanaka’s hours of operation and regular holidays are listed below. Each store may have slightly different hours, so it is recommended to check before visiting.

Sennichimae Honten

Business hours

  • Weekdays: 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Weekends and holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.


  • Open year-round (subject to change during certain holidays and events)

Other major stores (e.g., Shin-Osaka Station Store)

Opening hours

  • Everyday: 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


  • Open all year round

Advice for visiting

1.Confirmation in advance
It is recommended to check the official website and each store’s information on business hours and holidays. Opening hours may change, especially during major holidays and year-end and New Year holidays.

2.Avoid crowded hours.
Lunch and dinner hours are especially crowded, so stagger your visit to make it relatively smooth.

3.Consider take-out.
Take-out service is also available, which is convenient if you want to avoid the crowds or enjoy your meal at home.

To enjoy Wanaka’s delicious takoyaki, please check the business hours and regular closing days before making your plans. When you visit, be sure to enjoy the unique flavor of Wanaka to the fullest.

Reservations and queue management

When enjoying takoyaki at Wanaka, there is often a line, especially at popular locations. Below is some advice on how to make reservations and how to deal with lines.

How to make reservations and points to note

  1. Reservations Accepted.
    In most cases, Takoyaki Doraku Wanaka stores do not generally accept reservations. Therefore, when visiting, it is recommended to check in advance whether reservations are required or not.
  2. Confirmation on the official website.
    Check each restaurant’s official website and SNS for the latest reservation and event information. Reservations may be required for special events or seasonal menus.

Waiting time and measures for queues

  1. Visit on weekdays.
    Weekdays are relatively empty, so if you want to avoid waiting in line, visit on a weekday. In particular, avoiding lunch time will shorten the waiting time. The standard waiting time on weekdays is about 10 minutes.

2.Weekend measures.
Weekends and holidays tend to be crowded. You can shorten the waiting time by avoiding peak times such as early morning and evening. The standard waiting time on weekends is 15 to 30 minutes.

  1. How the line proceeds.
    The line progresses relatively quickly as the wait staff is very efficient in grilling takoyaki. Since many customers visit alone, it is easy to visit the restaurant.

Best time to visit

  1. Morning.
    In the morning, just after the restaurant opens, it is often relatively empty and you can enjoy takoyaki smoothly.
  2. Early afternoon.
    Around 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., after lunch time, is a relatively empty time. Aiming to visit during this time makes it easier to avoid the lines.

Please refer to these reservation methods and queue measures to comfortably enjoy your takoyaki experience at Wanaka. It will be a wonderful experience to fully enjoy Japanese food culture.

Reviews and Ratings

Wanaka is a famous takoyaki restaurant that has received high praise from many people. In particular, the exquisite texture of the takoyaki, “crispy on the outside and tender on the inside,” has been praised by many word-of-mouth reviews. Popular among locals and tourists alike, it is not uncommon to see lines of people waiting in line every time you visit.

Highly rated points

  1. Balanced texture.
    Wanaka’s takoyaki have a perfect balance of crunchy on the outside and tender on the inside, making you want to eat them again and again.

2.Various toppings
You can enjoy a variety of toppings such as sauce, mayonnaise, and green onions, and have fun finding your favorite takoyaki.

  1. Easy accessibility
    The restaurant is highly regarded for its convenient location near major sightseeing spots, making it a good place to stop by during a break from sightseeing. In particular, the Sennichimae main branch, located next to Namba Grand Kagetsu, is popular among tourists.

Comments as points for improvement

  1. Long lines.
    It is pointed out that because of its popularity, customers sometimes have to wait for a long time, especially on weekends and during the tourist season. However, many people seem to enjoy that wait time as an element that heightens their sense of anticipation.

Wanaka’s takoyaki attracts many people with its quality and taste. When you visit Osaka, be sure to experience Wanaka’s takoyaki and enjoy its delicious taste.


The takoyaki experience at Wanaka is a wonderful opportunity to deeply understand and enjoy Japanese food culture. Wanaka is loved by many for its unique “crispy outside, tender inside” texture and a wide variety of toppings. Since its establishment, Wanaka has continued to offer the same quality and taste, and every time you visit, you will find something new to discover and enjoy.

In particular, the extensive menu, including the original takoyaki, offers new tastes every time you visit. Through dining at Wanaka, you can also interact with the locals and experience Japanese food culture. Please enjoy the takoyaki at Wanaka to the fullest while observing good manners.

Wanaka restaurants are located in major sightseeing spots and transportation hubs, making it easy to stop by during your sightseeing. Planning your visit in advance by checking business hours, holidays, and reservation methods will make your visit a smooth one.

We hope you will enjoy your takoyaki experience at Wanaka when you visit Japan. You will be able to fully enjoy the delicious taste and depth of the food culture, and it will be an unforgettable memory.